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Case Study: Software Eliminates “Seat of the Pants” ICS Operations


    Current Euless Fire Chief Robert Isbell discovered when hired that the Department did not have incident command systems (ICS) software like that he used when employed by Southlake, TX., DPS. The absence reminded him of “seat of the pants” ICS he saw early in his career, ICS he explained, where incident commanders (ICs) struggled with personnel accountability, resource management, and other ICS tasks.


    Chief Isbell first tried to eliminate seat of the pants ICS with a work around solution of software spreadsheets. He found ICS spreadsheets were not fast, simple, or easy to use. The Chief later procured FieldSoft’s AIMSonScene ICS software for both Euless Fire and Euless Police. The purchase included AIMSonScene software support, but not training since Chief Isbell had become an experienced AIMSonScene user in Southlake.

Euless ICs are now able to better track and manage resources and personnel accountability. They do so from the simplest emergency to the most complex. A case in point occurred during a City emergency response plan exercise proctored by Texas A&M staff.

    Chief Isbell was present to backup the then current Fire Chief sitting with other directors at the EOC’s “big” table. Each director periodically presented a status brief. Chief Isbell, tracking FD tasking with AIMSonScene, used one finger to “print off “the Chief’s reports, which included FD information for the many simulated incident scenes. Directors eventually asked why the Fire Chief was the only Director able to provide such timely and accurate information.

    Make no mistake; AIMSonScene is not “EOC software” (although it is very handy in a pinch). Rather, it is tactical boots on-the-ground software application. An application that, according to the Chief’s observations, has helped Euless Battalion Chiefs to better track resources as well as better manage personnel accountability on the scene. His most powerful observation is that he has “no complaints” with the software.

About FieldSoft’s AIMSonScene™ Software


    The AIMSonScene™ ICS product line includes single user, peer-to-peer, and multi-user versions.  AIMSonScene software support and software training services are also available. For additional information contact FieldSoft at PO Box 1378, Chandler, Arizona 85244-1378, telephone 480-899-2128, fax 480-899-8123, or