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Case Study: Peekskill Enhances Mobile Command Post Operations


    Incident management technology simpler, yet more effective than whiteboard and simple computer network technology were needed in the Peekskill, NY mobile command post. Simpler to use technology because command post staff rarely worked together in a unified setting. More effective technology because some incident related events were being overlooked due to the occurrence of simultaneous activities.


    The community has a mobile command post. The command post has most often been used during non-emergency events throughout the year. The single largest non-emergency event has been an annual riverfront festival which includes a 10K run, a farmers market, dragon boat races, crowds of people, and substantial vehicular traffic. First responders are pre-staged throughout the event area. Command post staff manages overall strategy and tactics as well as resource staging, subsequent resource tasking, and task outcomes throughout the event.


    Joseph Ronca, community Emergency Manager/Senior Operation Officer, selected FieldSoft’s AIMSonSceneSU software and the optional AIMSonSceneSU software support subscription. Optional software training, although available, was not selected. FieldSoft did however, provide a one hour software in-service conducted via the Internet. FieldSoft provided additional telephone support when the customer had follow up questions.


    AIMSonSceneSU software was loaded on the laptop computer typically used in the command van. The NIMS “Consistent” software has since been used a number of times over the last few years. For example, the Peeksville command van, staffed by Peeksville emergency management personnel, recently served as the land based Command Post for the United States Coast Guard Operation Henry Hudson 400 Flotilla as it made its way from Battery Park in New York City to Beacon, New York.

    The mobile command post was used to provide tactical and administrative support to multiple local, state, and federal agencies involved in the operation. Moreover, the command post maintained radio contact on numerous radio frequencies, while standing by to assist with the ground coordination of any incident that may have occurred occur during the operation.

The Result

    Mr. Ronca wrote that:

“The software is great and has an excellent learning curve. We utilize the software in our mobile command unit and find it an invaluable tool not only at incidents but also at pre-arranged standby events. The features have allowed the staff to easily coordinate multiple agencies, zones and disciplines while tracking patients and assignments. Our biggest challenge every year is the Peekskill Celebration …. The software allows us to easily track units, assignments, availability, and patient dispositions”.

A few months later, Joseph added:

 "The software was recently used on two back to back events this past weekend with great results.  The first was a 10K race in which we coordinated 11 separate departments/agencies. The software proved a valuable tool in the tracking of race progress, patients, and resources alike. The next event was a high rise fire resulting in an elevator outage in a senior housing complex.  The software proved valuable as 7 task force teams were mobilized to do a floor by floor welfare check and report back with issues to the command post.  Without the software, we could not have managed task force progress, building sweep progress, and issues that arose and were tracked as notes in the [AIMSonScene] log.

About FieldSoft’s AIMSonScene™ Software


    The AIMSonScene™ ICS product line includes single user, peer-to-peer, and multi-user versions.  AIMSonScene software support and software training services are also available. For additional information contact FieldSoft at PO Box 1378, Chandler, Arizona 85244-1378, telephone 480-899-2128, fax 480-899-8123, or