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Improve Incident Rehabilitation Outcomes

Executive Summary

The most important emergency incident outcome is protection of stakeholders; namely first responders and community members. Stakeholder protection requires many sound services on scene. One of the most important, but at times overlooked or considered a less important service, is effective incident rehabilitation (AKA – rehab).

NFPA 1500, NFPA 1561, and NFPA 1584 standards -- and best practices such as those contained within the Emergency Incident Rehabilitation (EIR) document -- provide rehab guidance. Basically, what needs to be accomplished at the rehab objective and task level is adequately addressed. How to effectively supervise and manage rehabilitation objectives and tasks is not (with the exception of one NFPA 1584 worksheet).

Something more effective than the NFPA 1584 worksheet is needed. Something that meets diverse rehabilitation requirements and practices identified through review of NFPA standards and the EIR.

A comprehensive manual worksheet is included within this whitepaper to illustrate one type of rehabilitation information system that can be used to better supervise and manage rehab. Benefits and limitations associated with the manual system are also included.

Manual systems are not appropriate for every organization. First responder focused computer hardware and computer software may prove better. One software system with associated benefits is presented.

In any event, few would argue that better rehab supervision and management, tighter rehabilitation integration with the NIMS ICS process, and better support of personnel accountability within the Rehabilitation Group -- all made possible by worksheets or software -- are anything but beneficial. So beneficial in fact that effective rehab supervision and management will better promote first responder safety and survival as well as minimize stakeholder losses. (Read entire white paper here)